Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Fo - Vulpes vulpes


The Fox is a beautiful animal found on every continent of the world.  They are omnivores, like humans, and their diet is primarily insects, reptiles and birds along with vegetables. Fox only eat around two pounds of food a day and will cache excess for later. Some scientists call them opportunistic hunters and they are often considered pests or nuisance creatures because they will attack poultry.  In reality they are just acting naturally.  Our domesticating animals to raise and kill for food is truthfully not natural.  Many foxes adapt to human environments.  There are species that are actually clssified as "resident urban carnivores" because of their ability to live entirely within urban boundaries. (Interesting the use of 'carnivore' when the Fox is an omnivore.)  We had a beautiful Red Fox den in Black Fox Hollow where she had a litter of three kits.

     It is interesting.  We do the same thing with other animals (remembering that we too are animals) as we do with plants that we don't like or have habits that annoy us; viz. we given them derogatory titles - weed, pests, nuisance creatures - and condone their destruction when, as often as not (and generally more often) the weed, pest or nuisance has more value and important to life on Earth than do humans.  (We actually qualify as an invasive species.)  This being said about the Fox,  Fox are actually used to keep "pests" out of orchards.  Humans have never concerned themselves with contradictory behavior as long as it serves our purpose.

     Unlike humans, the Fox is an important member of the animal kingdom.  Despite annoying us by raiding the hen-house, the fox is a major factor in the natural control of rodent and insect populations.

#Fox, #wondersofnature, #animalrights,  #OldConservationist

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Mr Spock goes Camping

        It was a marvelous day to be out in the woods. We're camped at one of our favorite spots in Land-Between-the-Lakes in western Kentucky. That's Kentucky Lake in the pic. Besides getting out into the woods, this was a test trip for Mr Spock (our RoadTrek). It seems that none of his problems were structure or engine, but things which could go wrong on your new car. Our  Vortec 7400 7.4L (454 cu in) big block Chevy engine runs like a champ and is barely broken in.  That said, what are the odds of three bad alternators?!? The first wore out. That's okay, but #2 and #3 were brand new. One literally fell apart while the second just didn't work. We've been watching thing closely.  In 5 days without running we lost only 0.2 volts and the new heavy duty alternator is working fine. We love using Mr Spock. When you're east of the Mississippi it's too crowded for anything more. We are thinking of taking it to Mexico next winter to get a new paint job.  There's a place a couple  of hours south of Ajo, AZ that is supposed to do good work for a reasonable price. We love our RoadTrek!  (It's a 96C210P for Trek owners and fans.) 

If you look at an atlas or KY map you can't miss LBL which is in both western Kentucky and Tennessee. It is a federal reserve. The lakes are run by COE and land by Forest Service.  "The Trace" (main road) is 50 miles north to south.  You can boondock almost anywhere except the visitor centers and cemetaries. There are a number of campgrounds as well. One COE campground has utilities but you need reservations.  

     If you haven't seen the natural marvels and beautiful country of the east, it is worth putting up with the horrible traffic and overpopulation at least once. The east is so over-crowded that you will need to plan ahead. I know that doesn't sit well with nomads like us, but it is worth the effort.  

LandBetweenTheLakes, #Kentucky, #RoadTrek, #camping, #OldConservationist

Monday, April 18, 2022

Learn the truth of Native Americans

It IS time.  We need to start teaching our children the truth. (Did you know there were tribes that had pure democracy when white Europeans didn't know the concept? We still don't have pure democracy.).   White Americans have a lot to learn from our indigenous sisters and brothers. 

#NativeAmericans,  #Hope, #OldConservationist

Our Responsibility to Nature

#cherishnature, #trails, #environment, #nature, #OldConservationist
Because we have skills many other animals don't have, those skills come with responsibility. A number other animals have the problem solving skills and causal reasoning that we have, (i) but we have the more complex brain. That's because we're the new creature on the planet.  We're the new species in evolution. Unlike humans, most species of animals are hard-wired to do the right thing. Whether it is a good or a bad thing, we have the ability to make "rational" decisions. With these gifts of nature comes responsibility. If we clear land to plant a crop we have certain responsibilities to nature to avoid damage to the environment; avoid destroying habitat for other animals. 
    For example, I put a trail through our Black Fox Hollow, which I'm proud to report is now a certified wildlife habitat.(ii)  I fear that most people would fail to see the environmental impact in a simple trail. So let's take a look.  It is our responsibility to nature. 
     Almost all animals end up making trails simply because they use the same routes. Hunters call them game trails. I love to follow game trails when I'm "off trail" (iii) When we create a trail, either purposely or like other animals do, we firstly impact the environment with our presence. When I wander the wilderness well away from human trails, roads, camps, etc., I don't have to worry about causing a steady stream of homo sapiens behind me that might negatively impact the lives of the animals whose habitat I'm visiting. Nevertheless, I still must be extremely careful where I step and what I do. Going "off trail" should be a very thoughtful act. When done properly, it isn't as easy as it appears but provides a wonderful intimate experience with nature. 
     If we create a trail, as I did in the hollow, we must be aware of at least five things. (a) We must be aware of the impact our trail has on wildlife. Is my trail too close to places where animals might den and give birth to their young? I know that we have a number of animals that borrow or den in the hollow.  Most of them are near a brush pile that I purposely created for their protection. I kept the trail away from there. We were rewarded for our efforts by the presence of a beautiful Red Fox and the three kits to whom she gave birth in the safety of the hollow.  We learned that three of them, the mother and two kits, were captured and released in a very nice place. The remaining kit has returned to the hollow, probably because this is a safe place for her with food and water.  We would not have had this wonderful experience if we had put the trail too near their den. 
      (b) Does my trail destroy any food source or keep animals away from vital food sources?  Governments building roads and putting up border walls are the worst at destroying food sources or keeping animals away from food sources.  Our previous GOP Congress and Administration did irreparable damage to the environment, cutting off animals from food and essential migratory routes.  As you travel through the west you will see wildlife bridges across roads, especially four-lane roads, to provide animals with a safe means of accessing food and following migratory paths.  The Black Fox Hollow trail makes a loop. Inside the loop is an area rich in plants and seeds that provides food for birds and small animals.  Were it not for the very light foot traffic on our trail, such a small loop; only .15 mile; could potentially be a barrier to animals seeking food.  Since the trail does not have heavy traffic, it is not a hindrance. 
       (c) Human presence can be stressful to wildlife.  Even bears (omnivores) and big carnivores will move away from humans. I'm very familiar with bears. They have been a significant part of my wildlife management avocation, an important part of my life, and almost a daily event in our lives managing a campground sixteen miles into the Rocky Mountain wilderness.  I can't help but wonder whether they can tell that we humans are a violent and dangerous species.  If we put stress on bears, moose, wolverines, mountain lions and other large animals high on the food chain, you can imagine our impact on those further down the chain.  Stress is as deadly for a wild animal as it is for the human animal. Does my trail cause stress?  Is that stress forcing them away from important parts of their habitat?  Our trail, by design and lack of heavy traffic, does not interfere with the fox hunting. Also we know that most of their hunting is going to be outside the loop.  If you are on a wilderness trail, in bear or mountain lion country, and you see an animal carcass near the trail, get away from the area as quickly as possible.  Your presence could well stress a big predator into believing it must protect its kill or its food by attacking you. 

     (d)  Is my trail going to cause erosion damage?  A poorly constructed trail can be an erosion nightmare!  In my pictures you can see that my trail is small with minimal impact. At the same time you will notice the picture of the graveled area. I put creek gravel on areas that showed signs of heavy water drainage. Had I not put that gravel in those areas I would soon have deep erosion ruts which would cause significant damage to the land.  If you hike a well maintained trail, you will notice areas that have rocks, logs or other erosion barriers and even small channels dug to move water away from high risk areas.  When we start removing the plants that hold the soil, we risk erosion damage. You will notice that my trail is not totally bare, but that's only because it isn't heavily traveled.  
     (e) Is my trail going to impact or destroy vegetation or microbiotic crusts? (iv)   My trail winds because I designed it that way; trying to imitate a longer trail in the wilderness. Who wants to walk in a straight line?  At the same time I was mindful of the vegetation through which my trail would pass.  I kept it almost complete through grasses, ground cover and wild onions that are very hardy.  One big bend avoids a group of Hackberry trees that have a number of edible and medicinal plants growing below them.  I don't have to worry about microbiotic crusts in the hollow, but it is a very important factor in trails and off-trail hiking in the desert. I can't strongly enough impress upon my readers the importance of acquired skills and extreme awareness, mindfulness and observation when off trail.  There are great numbers of places where one wrong footstep will take nature a hundred years to repair.  Part of my job on one of my trail patrol assignments was to keep mountain climbers from taking short-cuts through fragile alpine vegetation. Unknowing and thoughtless hikers often cut corners on trails. Usually there is a reason for a corner, curve or switch-back. Cutting corners often results in environmental damage.       So why should we care?  Why do I think we have a responsibility to nature?  
     Nature is our life.  We are totally dependent upon a healthy world to survive. We are a result of nature, both as a species and as individuals, therefore we owe our very existence to nature. We are a part of nature. There is an undeniable oneness in the universe that has been confirmed by quantum physics. (v)  Even if we are so selfish that we haven't an altruistic bone in our body, we can still relate to the fact that by hurting nature we are hurting ourselves.  Unlike other situations where we are expected to simply believe that someone/something has done something for us, we have empirical evidence that nature is not only the source of our existence but also provides everything that we need to survive: water, air, food, shelter.  We could not exist without nature.  We cannot live without nature. 


(i) We're discovering that more and more species do have problem solving skills and causal reasoning.
(ii) Black Fox Hollow was certified as a Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation in May 2020. 
(iii) "off tail" is where one goes cross-country not using an established human trail or road.  With the proper back-country skills it is an exciting and rewarding way to explore the wilderness. It does, however, require a significant skill set and the willingness to be mindful and observant that you don't do environmental damage or negatively impart local wildlife.
(iv) Microbiotic crusts consist of lichens, bryophytes, algae, microfungi, cyanobacteria, and bacteria growing on or just below the soil surface (Eldridge and Greene 1994). These types of crusts have also been known as cryptogamic, microphytic, microfloral, or cryptobiotic,
(v)  Ricard, Mattdhieu and Trinh Xuan Thuan. (2001).  The Quantum and the Lotus: a journey to the frontiers where science and Buddhism meet.  New York. Three Rivers Press.  Especially Chapter 4 "The Universe in a grain of sand."  

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Accepting that we have no greater right.


The idea that we are not only the most important animal on the globe but the only one that counts goes back to religion; especially the three Abrahamic religions. 

Buddhism and some of the eastern religions see being human as a superior condition, but they acknowledge all animals as sentient beings. All of the tribes indigenous to North America whose spirituality I have studied believe that we are a part of nature just as are other animals. 

If you have a hard time accepting that an animal other than a human has the same right to exist as do we, I would lay odds on you having grown up in a Jewish, Christian or Muslim home. 

To accept this reality does not mean that we must stop eating meat. We are omnivores, which is an advantage to our species.  Personally I couldn't kill an animal for food so I'm a vegetarian. That does not mean that I think hunting and eating your kill is bad. Since I couldn't kill another animal, I think it would be inappropriate for me expect someone else to do it for me.  Many cultures thanked the animal they killed to eat, and there are modern American hunters who do the same.  So don't panic. You don't have to give up meat to accept that we have no greater right to exist. 

To accept that we are equal does not mean that you must sudden stop taking care of yourself and your family first.  I would assume that you accept that I have an equal right to be here as you.  If you were suddenly faced with the choice between saving my life or the life of one of you family, who would you pick?  You can be honest. The family member would come first.  That doesn't change my equality. You can accept that all sentient life has an equal right to life without changing you priorities. 

What it does expect is that you will not kill for fun or hunt to extinction. It means that you won't destroy other animals because they annoy you, or get in your way or look funny. You will be mindful of their need for food and water, and not destroy their habitat. The balance of nature has done an excellent job without human interference. It is when we start messing with nature, because we think we are more important, that we cause tremendous problems for everyone. 

#animalrights, #nature,  #sentientbeings, #OldConservationist

Live in peace with other animals

#OldConservationist, #cherishnature


Saturday, April 16, 2022



 So glad to see this on FaceBook. We need a lot more!!!  Bee keeping is enjoyable and rewarding.  Look for a beekeeper group or talk to you county agent about how you can get started.  When I started keeping bees in 1975 I got most of my bees by getting swarms out of people's trees and buildings.  

Thank you to the Henns!!!!

#OldConservationist,  #beekeeping,  #cherishnature