"Who are you trying to be?" he asked. Actually he said it in such a nice and jovial manner that I couldn't take offense. I looked at my reflection in the window. I was wearing cargo pants and a flannel shirt. Well, then there's my Tilley Montana hat. Oh, yeah, my pony tail, earring and bear choker. But other than that I wondered why he asked. Then I looked at him. He was wearing a $200 jogging suit which, if I could be allowed to make assumptions from basic appearance, had probably never seen anything more than a fast walk. Well, maybe not even that. I looked back at my own reflection.
"Russell Vance, " I said very matter-of-factly.
"Who the hell is he?" the man almost shook as he laughed.
"Me," I said.
"Oh." The man turned to the counter picked up his coffee. "See yuh."
"Have a great day." I replied with a smiled. He lifted his cup in salute and walked away.
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