and Moru spent hours discussing nature and what was at stake in their
battle with Lefu Sefefo. The reality of Lefu's use of negative human
emotions naturally and quickly led to quantum physics and how that
relates to the conservation of energy. In quantum physics we learn
that everything in the universe is interconnected or, perhaps better
expressed, one. The
individual person or item being distinguished as individual is only
seen as an item or individual by an observer through the illusion of
If this is true then we must accept that what happens to one part of
the universe will necessarily effect all other parts of the universe.
famous psychologist, Carl Jung, believed in interconnectedness and
studied quantum physics and eastern mysticism along with his
psychological research to confirm his concept of synchronicity in
which the belief in ultimate oneness of the universe is not only
implicit but fundamental. The reason that the western mind has so
much trouble with this concept is, according to Jung, the westerner
carefully sifts, weighs, selects, classifies and isolates while the
Asian “picture of the moment encompasses everything down to the
minutest nonsensical detail, because all of the ingredients make up
the observed moment.” What
troubled Shimasa was how one could reconcile the oneness of two such
extreme opposites. How could he, or anyone, accept that he was one
with this spirit who is full of such hatred and animosity that he is
not only willing but desirous to destroy all life on planet earth.
The only possible explanation came in the form of yin and yang. Yin
and yang would explain the polar opposites of Lefu and Ryuhiko, but
there was something missing. It just didn't fit. Yin and yang do
adequately, if not superbly, explain a perceived balance in the
universe, but Shinmasa could not accept that yin and yang were
absolutes; that is, that there was no other option or reality.
thought back to his college days when he took a philosophy course.
The professor promised an 'A' to any student who could show an
opposite to love. In the end result, when the smoke had cleared,
none of the students could show an opposite to love. It sounds
ridiculous but true. English has one word 'love' which it uses to
label all forms of love. To 'love' a mate is, in fact, very
different than, say, to 'love' ice cream. To the latter one can
define an opposite which, in English, would be 'hate'. But there is
no opposite to 'love' between two people. Long story short, it
doesn't exist. The Greeks have four words for love – Eros (ἔρως) - love, mostly of the sexual passion; Philia (φιλία) - affectionate regard, friendship, love for family member; Storge (στοργή) - love, affection as with a parent for a child (rare in ancient Greek); and Agape (ἀγάπη) - love, especially brotherly love, charity. One can not identify hate as the opposite for any of these.
Ryuhiko may be the yang to Lefu's yin, it does not define a
relationship that must be. To be a day, must there always be a night?
Does not the world's moon always have the same face to the sun. Yes,
but that means that the dark side is the yin to the bright side's
yang. The mental argument went on and on and on. The only hope was
that there is no real and true opposite to love. That alone is the
foundation on which one can say yin and yang are not absolute.
Sefefo knew that Shinmasa would eventually figure out his plan.
Actually Lefu wanted him to figure it out and be there to see the
beginning of the end of North America but he didn't want him to
figure it out in time to do anything to foil his plan. To keep him
busy Lefu decided that he needed to create some chaos to attract
Ryuhiko's attention and keep him occupied.
the basic personality of the homo sapiens gave Lefu Sefefo plenty of
opportunity to cause trouble. The small island of Pulau Sulu was just
what Lefu needed. It was actually a part of the Phillipines but it
was only 53 miles from Malaysia while it was 135 miles from the
nearest other island in the Phillipines. With the average elevation
being like that of so many of these small islands, only about three
meters, the people were understandably worried when the sea started
to rise. Malaysia and Phillipines have a cordial relationship but
there's no love lost between them. Politically they are fighting
over several islands and Malaysia is a Moslem nations while the
Phillipines is predominantly Roman Catholic. It didn't take much for
Lefu to do his dirty work.
sent a rather skilled trouble-maker by the name of Mmolai Botle. The
plan was to keep hitting Pulau Sulu with unusual and severe storms.
This would not only do serious damage but cause the surrounding seas
to rise which would daily increase the risk of the island finding
itself under water. The people would begin to flee and they would
naturally flee to the closest place; viz. Malaysia. It was then
Mmolai's job to get the people in Malaysia angry at the refugees to
the point that they turn violent.
first became aware of the situation from watching the news on his
laptop. Lefu was right. It did attract Ryuhiko's attention.
know that's Lefu's handiwork,” warned Moru. “He's baiting you. He
wants to get you out before you're ready.”
I have no doubt that it's Lefu,” agreed Shinmasa, “but I'm not so
sure he's looking for a fight.”
why would you say that?”
when he confronted us in the storm he told me that he wasn't going to
kill me because he wants me to see North America die,” said
Shinmasa while studying maps of Pulau Sulu. Moru could tell that he
wasn't paying a bit of attention to her warning. “How long do you
think it would take me to fly there?”
very long time,” Moru snapped. She was a tad annoyed about being
ignored. She'd known Lefu her entire life. But there was no argument
and Moru very quickly concluded that, if she wasn't going to stop
Shinmasa, she'd better do her best to protect him.
planned his flight so that he would arrive in Pulau Sulu after dark.
Even in the darkness he could see that all of the stilt houses along
the coast were under water and what passed for the high spot of the
island was just barely above sea. Most of the huts that were not
under water were on their sides, broken and crumpled. They looked
like grotesque silhouettes in the dark with light from the fires
adding to the unnatural appearance. He could make out groups of
people lying on the ground near small fires huddled together against
the evening chill that was present even in the tropics. Most of the
people had no clothes. Naked children lay snuggled as close as they
could get to an adult while many adults were using themselves as
human shelter for others. Trash and debris was scatter all around.
Ryuhiko looked down on the devastation and human suffering he filled
with emotion. He couldn't tell which was stronger, the urge to cry or
scream out in rage. He struggled with the drive to do something to
help. The frustration was almost more than he could bear. There was
no reason to even stop here. He could do nothing about this misery.
The only way he could help these people was by stopping Lefu Sefefo.
Sadly he lifted high into the air and headed south toward Malaysia.
barely made it to landfall before light. He found that the Pulau
Suluians had first fled to a small fishing village on the north end
of Jambongan Island. At first they had been welcomed by the local
fishermen until a stranger named Kebenaran Khas, claiming to be a
government official, showed up and started telling them that these
immigrants were going to take their jobs, destroy the fishing and
violate their religion. With sentiment turning against them the
immigrants who were already on the island fled southeast along the
coast to a heavy jungle area where they could hide, and new refugees
soon learned where to go.
the time that Ryuhiko arrived Kebenaran Khas had so enraged the local
residents that they were hunting and killing the refugees from Pulai
Sulu. It didn't take Shinmasa long to find Kebenaran, and it didn't
take any time listening to the man rant and rave about the evil Pulai
Suluians and how they must be destroyed to recognize this
provocateur as a human manifestation of Mmolai Botle.
aliens will take our jobs and destroy our fishing. Their island isn't
sinking. They are just saying that so they can take what is yours.
Are you going to tolerate that?” The crowd yelled “No! No!”
aliens,” he continued, “will be around your children. They are
infidels. Who knows what blasphemy they might teach your children.
Do you want them talking to your children?”
No!” the audience again yelled.
you going to tolerate them around your women and children?” The
crowd responded as expected and Kebenaran smiled an evil smile.
take your jobs, destroy your fishing, and violate the one true
religion. What does the Prophet say of such infidels?”
the infidels!” the crowd began to chant. Kebenaran raised his arms
in encouragement and the crowd chanted louder.
worked to get close to the hate preacher. After one of Kebenaran's
rallies he was working the crowd. Shinmasa made his way up to the
front and feigned being pushed into the politician as he drew near.
Shinmasa caught a slight whiff of putrescine. A shiver of disgust
passed through him.
Shinmasa regained his balance he stood up face to face with
Kebenaran. He looked into the imposter's eyes. There was nothing. At
least there was nothing until their hands touched. When Kebenaran's
hand touched Shinmasa's Kebenaran received a shock. The look of
recognition, the hatred and pure evil, filled his eyes. Shinmasa
wondered whether or not those around them could see his eyes.
Kebenaran pulled his hand away quickly.
Master was right,” said Mmolai softly. “All I had to do was waste
a few useless natives and you'd come running.” He paused to smile
and shake the hand of a supporter then turned back to Shinmasa with a
smirk, “Or did you fly, Ryuhiko?”
over,” Shinmasa said. “I'm going to stop you.”
young dragon,” Mmolai said while still smiling, waving and shaking
hands with well-wishers, “all I have to do is identify you as 'one
of them' and you will die right now.”
you didn't have some reason to keep me here or let me live, you'd
have already sicked them on me.”
turned and walked away. He didn't really know how he was going to
stop Mmolai. His manifestation as Kebenaran had popular support and
would keep it as long as he could maintain their hatred and anger.
Shinmasa could try to expose his lies but no one was willing to doubt
him. He was playing the religion card.
the interesting thing about religion, thought Shinmasa. A truly evil
person can easily use religion because people are afraid to doubt,
question or contradict what they are saying. Many religious documents
from the Abrahemic religions end with statements threatening hell and
damnation if the person reading the document doubts it. Shinmasa
thought about a friend of his who was a Christian seminary professor
with a PhD in both Old and New Testament. One day a Christian
door-knocker stopped at the professor's home. When the professor
opened the door they started their speel. Without telling them that
he was a seminary professor he started replying to their memorized
statements and proof texting with his own “biblical quotes”. The
only difference was that the professor was making them up. The
evangelizer could do nothing but agree with the professor because he
was afraid to doubt, question or contradict. If it would turn out
that, in this case, the professor was correct, it would be evident
that they didn't really know all about their religion or they might
go to hell.
Ulster, commonly known as Northern Ireland, a man named Ian Pasley
wanted to incite the public against those who wanted Ulster to be a
part of the Republic of Ireland. The Republican Irish in Ulster were
almost all Roman Catholic. Pasley knew that he couldn't keep people
excited or angry over politics, but with religion he could kindle
such hatred that people would kill for him. He founded his own
“Protestant” church, proclaimed himself ordained and started
preaching hatred against those horrible Roman Catholics. Since most
Roman Catholics were Republican Irish he had accomplished his
political goal with the use of religion.
a common ploy, and now Mmolai Botle, Lefu's evil servant, was using
that ploy in the most classic manner. In any case, playing the
religion card always works. How was Shinmasa to get around it?
spent the night with the Pulai Sulu refugees. As Shinmasa he had
gathered a great deal of food and other supplies and taken them to an
isolate clearing near the village. Once it was safe Shinmasa
transformed to Ryuhiko and carried the load to a small clearing deep
in the jungle about a mile and a half south of the village near where
the refugees were hiding.
made no attempt to hide himself. The refugees saw him land and were
hiding in the nearby jungle watching him. He turned toward them.
name is Ryuhiko,” he called to them. “I will not harm you. In
fact, I have brought you food and supplies.”
should we trust you?” one of the refugees finally dared to reply.
“ I
have seen your plight and come to help,” said Ryuhiko. “You know
the stories of the protector dragons.”
were just that,” said the refugee. “Stories that our parents and
grandparents told us.”
now that you've seen me you might think they were not just made up
for children.” Ryuhiko transformed back to Shinmasa. “Besides
this food is real and good and you have no one else you can trust.”
man came out of the jungle and walked toward Shinmasa. He was tall
and slender with dark skin and wearing a pair of torn up shorts that
were little more than a loin cloth. Shinmasa could hear others
calling warnings to him as he approached Shinmasa.
you the leader?” asked Shinmasa.
said the man looking over his shoulder, “just the only one crazy
enough to walk up to a man who was just a dragon.”
smiled. “I'm glad you took the risk. You can show the others that
I'm really a friend and want to help.”
would you want to help us? Everyone else here wants to kill us.”
I know the one who started all this and I'm going to stop him.”
The man was now close and Shinmasa smiled and held out his hand.
“Wouldn't you like to be able to go home?”
you stop our island from sinking?” asked the man who now held
Shinmasa's outstretched hand.
is right about one thing. Your island isn't sinking. The sea is
rising. If I can stop the one who is causing this then hopefully the
sea will stop rising and you can go home.”
would be wonderful. What can I do to help?”
the others that I am a friend. Have them carry the food and supplies
back to your camp and offer me a place to sleep tonight.”
The man turned and called to the others who were now near enough to
the edge of the jungle that Shinmasa could see them. With obvious
hesitation the others came toward the two men and the pile of food
and supplies. You could almost see the sight of the desperately
needed food overcome their fear of the dragon turn man. Each in turn
bowed, thanked Shinmasa, took a load of food and headed back into the
man stopped after picking up a large bundle. “My parents told us
stories about akai ryu,” he said, “but I always thought they were
just stories. Thank you!” With that he followed the others into
the jungle.
camp was not far from the clearing. Group of huts and lean-tos
gathered around fires. Children played in the jungle while women were
tending the fires, making basket and other necessities. They jumped
up excitedly when they saw the men returning with food.
refugees had a thanksgiving feast that evening. Each of them had come
to Shinmasa and expressed their personal appreciation. After the meal
the people told Shinmasa about their experiences. They recounted how
their homes had been flooded, how the people of Jambongan Island had
attacked them and they had fled to this place. They also shared
stores of those who had not made it. There was the boat load of
people who had been chased down by Jambongan fishermen in boats. The
Jamboganians had sunk the Pulau Suluian boat and left the people in
the water to drown. A young pregnant woman was stoned to death when
she entered the village without her head covered, and a man was
beheaded for talking to a Jambonganian child. They couldn't
understand what was different. The Pulau Suluians had frequently
visited and often traded with the villages on Jambongan. Why were
they now filled with hatred? Shinmasa told them about Kebenaran Khas
and tried to explain how he was using their religion to create hatred
but did not try to explain who Kebenaran really was.
next day there was another horrendous storm followed shortly by more
refugees. Shinmasa spent hours sitting on the beach trying to think
of how he was going to stop Kebenaran.
of the refugees asked him why he didn't just turn into a dragon a
scare the Jambonganians. Shinmasa explained how Kebenaran would just
call him a devil and turn it into more evidence of how evil the Pulau
Suluians really were. But that gave him an idea.
following morning Shinmasa said good-bye to the refugees, transformed
into Ryuhiko and headed toward the village.
landed outside the house where Kebenaran was staying and called to
Botle, come out.” People gathered around as Ryuhiko waited. A
couple of brave men tried to shot Ryuhiko with a bow and arrow and an
old shotgun. Ryuhiko just gave them an angry look and told them to
quit. “Mmolai Botle, come out. Are you afraid of me?”
is the home of Kebenaran Khas,” one old man shouted.
Khas is an imposter,” Ryuhiko told the growing crowd. “His real
name is Mmolai Botle and he is a deamon who has been using you to
kill innocent people.”
crowd muttered disapprovingly.
Mmolai appeared. He appeared calm and filled with self-confidence,
but Ryuhiko could see into the deamon's eyes. They were filled with
anger, hatred and agitation.
been telling these good people all about you, Mmolai Botle,”
Ryuhiko stirred the anger and moved closer to the evil spirit. “They
don't believe me, but you'll tell them the truth won't you?”
good friends, here you see the true nature of the Pulau Suluians,”
Mmolai became quite theatrical. “Take a good look and know why you
must be strong against them.”
come on, Mmolai,” Ryuhiko continued to taunt him, “tell them who
you really are. Show them the real you.”
was getting quite close to Mmolai and he could see the concern on
Mmolai's face. Mmolai didn't dare let the people see him as Mmolai
Botle, the evil spirit servant of the spirit of death. Ryuhiko
started physically pushing Mmolai. Each time he touched the evil
spirit sparks flew. The pain was showing on Mmolai's face and the
anger growing in his eyes.
it going to serve your master to let me destroy you right in front of
these humans?” Ryuhiko started to heckle the evil spirit. “No,
you're not staying in the form of Kebenaran because you don't want
them to see the real you. You're afraid. You're terrified of my
power.” Ryuhiko kept physically pushing Mmolai. “You know that I
can easily destroy you and you're scared. You're staying in the form
of Kebenaran because you're hoping that I won't destroy you in human
form.” Ryuhiko started pushing harder and the harder he pushed the
greater the sparks. The people in the crowd started yelling at
Ryuhiko, praying for their god to stop him, and throwing things at
him. “Well if you think I'm not going to destroy you because you
look like a human, you're wrong . . . . dead wrong!”
put on a great act of pulling back his claw and reaching for
Kebenaran. Before Ryuhiko could bring the powerful claw down on the
human there was a cloud of smoke around Kebenaran followed by the
stench of putrescine. Then before them stood the evil spirit Mmolai
Botle in all his grotesque evilness. The crowd backed away even
farther. Some women fainted and people began to vomit at the stench.
your pious leader,” Ryuhiko proclaimed in a loud voice. “See the
one who has been telling you to kill innocent people.” Mmolai
began to swing violently at Ryuhiko who easily ducked the attack. “Is
this the faithful follower of your prophet or servant of your god?”
By this time Mmolai was in such a rage that he was swinging wildly.
“He tricked you into doing his foul deeds for him. In the name of
this evil one you slaughtered innocent people.”
Botle lunged at Ryuhiko. Ryuhiko struck with all the force he could
muster. There was an enormous flash of brilliant light immediately
followed by a violent explosion. Mmolai screamed in pain. His
grotesque form launched upward by the power of their encounter.
Hanging above Ryuhiko and the crowd of people he screamed at Ryuhiko,
“You may have won this one, but you haven't seen the last of Mmolai
people stood starring. They were trying to comprehend what they had
just witnessed. Ryuhiko could hear them talking among themselves.
tricked you,” Ryuhiko said to the people. “He made you do his
bidding by making you think he was a faithful servant of Allah when
his real master is the evil spirit of death. He got you to kill
innocent people who wanted only a safe place to wait out the storms
so they could go home.”
Jambonganians just stood and watched as Ryuhiko rose above the crowd
and flew off. He stopped by the refugee camp to tell them about his
encounter with Mmolai and suggest that they might be able to return
home soon.
returned to his mountain lair. A few weeks later the people of Pulau
Sulu returned to their island followed a short while later by people
from Jambongan offering to help them rebuild their homes.
Ryuhiko flew home he was totally unaware of the dark figure that
followed at a distance.
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