Many of my friends spoke of "being in mourning". It was interesting that they chose the word "mourning" to describe their feelings quite independently of one another. I was also struck by the fact that this is the second time in recent history where a Democrat has won the popular vote but a Republican had the electoral votes to win the election. What is ironic is that this phenomena just allowed Donald Trump to become President when he complained about the Electoral College and wanted it disbanded in 2012. Enough about that.
What really started me writing was what I found myself writing in my journal. What follows is a direct quote from my personal journal Wednesday, November 9th.

"So many my age have lost the fire and become the 'establishment' against which they protested. At Mary Travis' memorial Bill Moyer, a journalist, said to the crowd 'this looks like a class reunion of the Nixon enemy list.' (A list contrived by Nixon of his enemies.) All old like me. I'm sure Donald Trump already has a well established 'enemy list' - i.e. people he hates because they oppose him. Hope my name is close to the top of page one.

Guess I should sign this
With love,
A 70 year old hippie.
P.S. Upon hearing what I was writing Pamela commented about the divisive hate which we are seeing festering. To summarize what she said - 'to hate the haters is hatred.' That was one of the hardest things of the 60s; viz. not to hate or be overcome by hatred. I didn't like Regan or the Bush boys because of their love of war, but I didn't hate them and wasn't afraid of them. I am afraid of Donald Trump. Watch his rallies and listen to his rhetoric. He is very efficient at creating and using hate. Those of us who oppose this man musts work doubly hard not to get sucked in by his hatred. For the younger generations, it's like Luke Skywalker resisting being sucked into hatred of the Emperor. If he allowed himself to hate, he was doomed to be just like the emperor.
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