Arctic National Wildlife Reserve Recommended
It is a red-letter day for Americans - no, for the world - as the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve is recommended for wilderness protection. It is wonderful that the Obama administration and others recognized that our dwindling wilderness is an important part of our future and survival as a species. The Arctic National Wildlife Reservation is an important part of nature's balance. Not only that but it is one of the last havens for caribou, polar bears, muskoxen, wolves and a vast variety of birds. This is not a victory for the caribou, polar bear, muskoxen and wolves. This is a victory for all life on planet earth. You all know that I really, really do not want to offend or upset people, but sometimes I must be honest even if it does offend. Common sense will tell you that we can not continue to rape this planet and expect some metaphysical being to save our asses at the last minute. There is no evidence in any historic or even religious document to support such expectation. The buck stops here. I hope you will all celebrate with me, and the many thousands of people who worked for this day, that we have taken another step toward good stewardship. Check out this article.http://content.sierraclub.org/press-releases/2015/01/conservation-groups-native-organizations-celebrate-wilderness-recommendation
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A teenage girl points out the obvious - why should taxpayers give a company $3 billion to keep obsolete, non-profitable plants in operation when that money could be used for the future?
Judy Roseman with her daughter, Hilary Vogelbaum |
On January 20th. a teenager stood up to speak in Cleveland, OH against a proposed $3 Billion bailout for Sammis Coal Plant and Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant. She spoke from a young person's perspective which tends to be more forward looking than that of their seniors. According to article author, Heather Moyer, "When she finished, the crowd not only burst into applause, they were all on their feet."
Here is a transcript of Hilary's speech:
" Good evening Commissioner. My name is Hilary Vogelbaum. I live Moreland Hills, OH. I am 16-years-old, and I am a junior (in high school). I am grateful to have the opportunity to have my voice and opinion heard.
I care very deeply about our environment, and facilities like the Sammis Coal Burning Power Plant are exactly the type of facilities we should be seeking to phase out, not facilities we should seek to keep going at full capacity for another 15 years by giving them special financial deals. It is my greatest hope that the members of the Public Utilities Commission will remember that it is NOT OK to keep pushing the cost of producing energy today onto future generations by imposing on us terrible environmental costs.
I have a unique personal experience that I would like to share with you. I have had the privilege of doing research on development of organic solar cells at Case Western Reserve University in the lab of Dr. Genevieve Sauve. I cannot begin to tell you the passion that the researchers in Dr. Sauve's lab and similar labs have for moving our world to a new future of clean energy. But these labs are struggling for survival because of lack of funding. Often, our experiments would be put on hold because of lack of supplies or broken equipment. In a lab, where the future of clean energy can be born, funds to simply complete the projects are very, very hard to come by!
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Sammis Coal Burning Power Plant |
Instead, First Energy is asking that you approve giving them unfathomable amounts of money to prop up old technology, when we could look to the future, to MY future and the future of my generation, and create new, clean technologies right here in Ohio which would not have the same negative environmental impact as the Sammis coal burning power plant and the dangerous risks of the Davis Besse Nuclear Plant.
First Energy may sing some sad song about needing to preserve jobs at the existing plants.
Perhaps because I am only 16, I see the future more than the past. But I am asking you to think about it. Think about the enormous number of jobs that would be created if instead of propping up old technologies, we invested in the future of energy by creating labs like the one I worked in which would create cheap, efficient solar power and other forms of renewable energy. Every time a new industry is created, we need new factories, new engineers, new management positions, new line workers, new marketing efforts and all kinds of things that create new jobs of every kind. Those are the new jobs we should be creating.
I want to be sure that there ARE jobs for my generation in the industry…not dirty coal jobs, or dangerous nuclear plant jobs, but clean tech engineering and production and sales jobs. To create these kinds of jobs, we need to let our old technologies die instead of propping them up. I am asking you to turn down First Energy;s request to prop up its old energy plants that use old, dirty and dangerous technologies which have huge environmental impacts and risks, and instead approve only measures which will help invest in a future of clean renewable energy.
Unlike the executives of First Energy, these researchers are barely making a living. It takes a long time to get meaningful research done because of lack of supplies, equipment and personnel. If we had the same funds for renewable energy research that First energy is asking for as a subsidy for its outdated coal and nuclear plants, we would have innumerable new jobs because we would create a thriving new renewable energy industry."
If you want to read more, check out this site: http://www.sierraclub.org/compass/2015/01/ohio-high-schooler-gives-most-powerful-testimony-face-big-coal
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