and Shinmasa looked at each other. Then one of them began to snicker.
That was all it took. They found themselves embracing as they laughed
Moru and Shinmasa's laughing and giggling turned into foreplay, a
dark figure sat on the summit of Mt George a few miles away looking
toward the lair. Bafu
Nama had witnessed the defeat of Mmolai
Botle and had followed Ryuhiko back to his lair. As
he sat and watched Ryuhiko's lair he made a very deadly mistake. He
decided that he wouldn't tell his master, Lefu Sefefo, about the lair
but would forever be in his master's good graces because he would
kill the akai ryu. Now he was sitting there thinking about how he was
going to accomplish such a feat.
evening, as Shinmasa was practicing his jo skills on the ledge, Bafu
Nama decides to make his move. He felt that he had the advantage.
After all, Ryuhiko was in his human form and standing totally open to
attack. He flew as fast as he could toward the solitary figure.
was caught off guard. As Bafu rapidly approached Shinmasa caught a
sniff of putrescine and cadaverine.
Shinmasa knew that smell but before he could react Bafu hit him,
knocking him down but not off the ledge. Moru had been watching
Shinmasa practice from just inside the lair. She too had smelled the
foul odor of putrescine and cadaverine and looked up to see Shinmasa
fall just as he was struck by Bafu. She jumped up and started to run
to his aid but before she could arrive he had transformed into
Ryuhiko. All of the practice had paid off. He was standing on the
ledge watching Bafu. He appeared completely relaxed which belied the
taut, well-trained muscles waiting for his adversary's attack. Still
grasped in his left claw was his jo. But it no longer looked like the
four foot jo with which Shinmasa had practiced so much. It was as
tall as Ryuhiko and shown a brilliant white like the white of the
hottest flame. Ryuhiko looked at the jo and held it up for Moru to
see. It was his Father's jo through which he would learn to focus
the power.
paused for a moment as he turn around for another pass. Ryuhiko had
never seen Bafu Nama and was repulsed by the creature who was heading
toward him. Putrescine and cadaverine were actually quite descriptive
of what he saw. Bafu appeared to be nothing more than an extremely
large blob of rotting flesh. Ryuhiko could not make out a face,
appendages or weapon. How was this creature planning to kill him?
out,” cried Moru. “He can spit a caustic acid.”
that's nice,” Ryuhiko replied sarcastically. “Anything else you'd
like to share?”
is very toxic,” responded Moru. “He's not really very good at
direct combat. His forte is smothering you in your sleep.”
guy,” said Ryuhiko as he watched the approaching creature.
idea was to knock Shinmasa off the ledge and then smother him as he
lay broken at the bottom of the cliff. It wasn't going nearly as well
as Bafu had imagined it. Now he was face to face with a dragon. He
decided that his only chance of success was to fly right into the
dragon's face and attempt to smother him as he stood there. As he
drew near he saw the jo. It was too late to pull up and run.
As he
approached, Bafu opened up his body to make the largest area possible
to engulf Ryuhiko's head. When Bafu was just feet away Ryuhiko rose
up and backhanded the creature with a mighty claw. Bafu was stunned,
spinning and bouncing across the ledge and finally falling into the
valley below.
rose in the air, bent at the waist and went head first into the
valley after Bafu. Bafu was far from intelligent but he knew when to
give up and run. He tried desperately to pull himself together and
headed down the valley away from the lair. If he could only survive
he would tell his master. Lefu would know what to do with this
Mountain was one of the higher mountains in the area. It had been
created by three glaciers. One created the valley on it's west side
with two cirques on the northeast and southeast. From above it
presented as an upside down Y with knife edged ridges. Bafu was
lifting up over the western ridge when he was hit by Ryuhiko and fell
to the ground near the mountain's summit.
Nama stood up. He was dazed and confused. He looked around and saw
Ryuhiko setting down a few yards away. Bafu knew that he was
defeated. He couldn't out run or out fight this dragon.
tell your master that I'm coming for him,” said Ryuhiko.
Nama knew that his master would be extremely angry and may, in his
anger, destroy Bafu. He believed that he had no other choice than to
attempt to finish what he had come to accomplish. Bafu threw himself
at Ryuhiko.
thrust with his jo. When the jo entered Bafu Nama's body Bafu
immediately began to turn a bright white until, being totally a
brillant white, he exploded.
stood for a moment and said quietly, “or don't.”
was standing on the ledge waiting for Ryuhiko. She had seen the
explosion and believed that he had prevailed against Bafu, but she
still stood anxiously waiting. This, she thought, is how humans feel
so often. She was frightened. Frightened like a human. It was more
than mere worry. It was painful. It was a pain she couldn't describe
coming from her very core. When Ryuhiko could be seen approaching
the sense of relief, joy, love was like a wave of comforting balm.
'How do animals function with all of these emotions?' She thought.
transformed into Shinmasa immediately upon landing on the ledge and
the two embraced. Shinmasa explained what had happened.
the jo!” Shinmasa concluded his account.
this is my father's jo,” Shinmasa explained. “It carries the
power. I've had it with me all along.”
felt skeptical, but smiled as Shinmasa spoke. She had seen his father
fight many times and, while he did carry the jo, it didn't seem to be
the source of his great power.
I know how Lefu is going to try to destroy North America.”
do?” Moru was excited. She forgot about the jo.
Shinmasa was exuberant. “He's going to try to poison the Triple
Bafu Nama made his ill fated attack Lefu was half way around the
world watching the carnage of war in the Middle East and drawing
strength from the anger and hatred. He was enjoying himself. He had
flamed the fires of distrust and religious difference into anger and
hatred and was gleefully cheering both sides as two groups of Muslims
were butchering each other in the name of the same god. Lefu could
feel the power surge through his body as the battle became more
violent and more gruesome.
pleasure was interrupted by a strong sense of sudden loss. 'Bafu!'
Lefu thought. 'That idiot has done something stupid. He's dead.'
Ryuhiko was getting stronger faster than Lefu had anticipated. Then,
Lefu thought, there was the possibility that the dragon prince had
figured out his plan. That didn't matter as much as the timing.
Actually he wanted Ryuhiko to figure it out in time to be there when
Lefu brought about the beginning of the end of life in North America.
He wanted to torture the young prince and make him suffer. That would
give him great strength and it would torture his family, especially
his sister, Moru. He wouldn't have to physically defeat the young
dragon. The pain, the sorrow, the failure would destroy him. It made
Lefu smile.
decided that he must act quickly. He sat looking at the gore and a
smile came to his face. He needed distractions to keep Ryuhiko busy
until he was ready for him. He looked around the world. There was so
much angry and hatred. There was so much distrust, blame,
self-centeredness. Lefu was so happy with his handiwork. It gave him
many options.
Lefu saw a police officer approaching a young black man in
Birmingham, Alabama. Lefu had been feeding off this type of
situation for years so it took little to instigate a confrontation
that left the young black man lying dead. Soon a riot ensued.
yes, thought Lefu. There are refugees trying to get their families
to someplace safe. 'Sorry,' Lefu said out loud. 'Not today.' He
grinned as he stirred hatred, suspicion and anger among some locals.
The police and military are losing their tempers because they are
trying to keep the refugees out while not allowing the locals to hurt
the refugees and they're getting totally disgusted with the entire
was having great fun and he was only starting. He would be having the
heir to the dragon king's throne so busy trying to bring calm that he
wouldn't notice what Lefu was doing until it was too late. That's
when Lefu wanted Ryuhiko to show up . . . when it was too late.
the lair Shinmasa suddenly sat up in bed with a gasp.
is it?” Moru said rolling over and looking up at Shinmasa.
starting,” Shinmasa said looking around as thought he expected to
see something or find something.
He's starting trouble,” said Shinmasa.
know he always does that,” said Moru sitting up and putting her
hand on Shinmasa's shoulder.
this is different,” Shinmasa shook his head. “He's ready.”
can you be sure?”
can feel it. These situations aren't for his entertainment or to
gain power. They are to draw me away so that he can make his attack.”
knew that as Ryuhiko grew in power, he was more and more attuned to
what Lefu was doing. He seemed to always know where Lefu was at any
time. He would feel . . . he could sense Lefru. It was as though
Ryuhiko being Lefu's opposite created a common link. The two of them
had almost become like yin and yang. This worried Moru. Could
Ryuhiko survive destroying Lefu? Even worse, could it be that the
destruction of Ryuhiko was what was necessary to bring about the
destruction of Lefu? Moru didn't want to consider such possibilities
but they haunted her.
are distractions,” Shinmasa said turning to Moru. “I'll bet
anything if I head toward one of these trouble spots there will be a
unbelievably severe store go across the Triple Divide.” Shinmasa
paused and looked away in thought. “He wants me to realize what
he's doing but be so far away that the deed is done by the time I
Moru suddenly exclaimed.
Shinmasa asked.
sister, Metsia, is the spirit of the ocean,” Moru smiled broadly
while Shinmasa looked totally lost. “To force Lefu to make his move
while you're still close enough to stop him, we have to make him
think his distractions worked. You can start toward Birmingham. You
both seem to be able to sense the other. We'll have Metsia send a
heavy tropical storm in from the Gulf to dampen things in Birmingham.
Hopefully Lefu will think that you have been distracted and start
his attack. You will actually close enough to be there when he
arrives at the Triple Divide.”
pondered the idea for a few moments. It could work. He certainly
didn't have any ideas. Moru left immediately to contact her sister
while Shinmasa went out on the ledge to meditate before his great
battle with Lefu Sefefo, the greatest evil the world had ever known.
As he moved deeper and deeper into his meditative trance his body
began to glow until he was a brilliant white.
stood on the Triple Divide Peak looking down the long valley of
Hudson Bay Creek toward Red Eagle lake. He was well above the
tree-line. The trees created a cushion of green far below him. A
palette of greens and browns topped by the stark vertical linear
lines of massive Mount James and Norris Mountain on each side of him.
At the end of the valley was Red Eagle Mountain standing like a
giant fortress with a rainbow crossing it like a sash. In the
distance he could see the approaching storm. It was time. He looked
down at his hand. It was just a jo decorated with runes. How had he
come to this? Sunyata. In Sunyata he had seen the oneness. He now
looked at the approaching storm. Lefu Sefefo was manifest in the
storm. Ryuhiko had seen this face before. It was many times worse
than the one he had experienced with Moru when he first learned that
he was Ryuhiko. That seemed like so long ago. It was a terrifying
storm but now 'Ryuhiko was strong and prepared.
know who you really are and how you plan to kill North America,”
Ryuhiko called to the storm. “You plan to poison the Triple Divide.
That will poison the water in all of North America. It won't be fast
but eventually the land and all living things will die.”
laughed. It was a hideous laugh. It was a laugh that defined hatred
and evil. Time and again what appears as lightening flashes toward
Ryuhiko but each time he reflects it with his jo. In a rage Lefu
sent multiple attacks at one time hitting and striking Ryuhiko. Time
and again Ryuhiko is pushed from the top of the Triple Divide into
the deep valley south of the peak. Each time he returns the storm is
closer and each time he is greeted by Lefu's terrifying laugh.
are no match for me, little prince,” Lefu taunted. “You will
stand there pathetically fighting my storm as I destroy your precious
paid no attention to Lefu's taunt but it did make him realize that
standing right on the Triple Divide wasn't good strategy. He must
fight from someplace where Lefu must get past him. Ryuhiko moved to
the peak of Split Mountain. Now Lefu must literally get past Ryuhiko.
jo was brighter than he'd ever seen and the glow was moving through
Ryuhiko's claws into his body. Ryuhiko's body was the light. Not
the jo.
know now,” said Ryuhiko, “the source of the light. Lefu's face
grew dark. “Yes, you know it too and you were hoping that I'd not
figure it out. The brilliant light is the manifestation of the total
of all hope, love, compassion and goodness in existence. Like the law
of conservation of energy, these elements go from reality to
potential. The potential for them is always there. This is the
oneness which you have attempted to pervert. I'm the yang to your
yin. I'm the dragon standing on a mountain filled with light and
life. But you want the duality to continue. If people were to
understand the oneness of the universe you would cease to control
Ryuhiko spoke Lefu's face grew darker until it was almost
featureless. “You are but a collection of negative energy gleaned
from the fears, angers, and hatred of people. But we are all
connected. We are all one. So technically, I must accept these
negative emotions. But what if I have made friends with my emotions –
positive and negative? What if I can give that hope to a handful of
others who pass it along, and so forth? Would this little spot here
turn clear and beautiful?”
As he
spoke Ryuhiko pointed his hand at the edge of Lefu's terrible storm
and a small area turned white. Lefu's rage grew but made no
difference to Ryuhiko. “Would that not grow expotentially? How long
until your storm of hate and fear became like a gentle summer shower
or a fresh winter's snowfall?” Ryuhiko pointed and the white area
began to grow.
can't be happening,” shouted Lefu.
course it can,” replied Ryuhiko. “Is this your reality or mine?”
spreads his wings and flew directly into the heart of the storm as
Lefu Sefefo screamed “no” and attempted to back away. But the storm
could not move fast enough. All goes black.
awakened to see his Father sitting next to him. He was on top of the
mountain but, looking down, he could see Ryuhiko lying at the foot of
Split Mountain.
I dead?” he asked his father.
could be,” his father answered.
do you mean by that?”
have a choice. You can be dead and be free from the endless battle
with Lefu or you can accept the Bodhisattva way. You know that
humans are not strong enough to deal with him on their own. You
stopped him today but, if you accept death, they will die tomorrow.”
thought of the Buddhist Bodhisattva prayer he had recited so many
May I be a guard for
those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened
Shinmasa realized
that he was on the bodhisattva way. He and his father stood facing
each other.
“I am proud of
you, my son.” said the dragon king. “You have won a great victory
and learn a greater lesson. But you know you have not stopped Lefu
but for a moment. He will continue to spread his cloud of anger and
hatred, bigotry and discrimination, and all things foul and demeaning
to humanity. He will continue until humanity understands the oneness
of all things.”
The two men
embraced. As Ryutada faded from view, Shinmasa looked down at Ryuhiko
lying at the bottom of the mountain. There was a figure kneeling next
to the dragon. It was Moru. She was weeping. 'There was another
good reason to return,' thought Shinmasa. He closed his eyes. When
he opened them he was Ryuhiko lying on the ground. Moru cried and
hugged and kissed him. He hurt all over. He didn't want to get up.
But he did. He had chosen the bodhisattva way and he had the Spirit
of the Forest to walk it with him.
Ryuhiko looked up at the majestic barren mountain that was the Triple Divide. As the sun was setting the mountain was awash in a scarlet sky. Then he turned to Moru. "the mountain is safe and we survived." Moru hugged and kissed him again. Holding tightly to each other they kiss as they rose into the clouds above the mountains.
Ryuhiko looked up at the majestic barren mountain that was the Triple Divide. As the sun was setting the mountain was awash in a scarlet sky. Then he turned to Moru. "the mountain is safe and we survived." Moru hugged and kissed him again. Holding tightly to each other they kiss as they rose into the clouds above the mountains.
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